Custom Widget Examples

Single Color View

Color exampleColor = new Color(68, 238, 255);
SmartDashboard.putString("Example Color", exampleColor.toHexString());


Note: Velocity must be in meters per second, and angles must be in either radians, degrees, or rotations, and CCW+

SmartDashboard.putData("Swerve Drive", new Sendable() {
  public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {

    builder.addDoubleProperty("Front Left Angle", () -> frontLeftModule.getAngle().getRadians(), null);
    builder.addDoubleProperty("Front Left Velocity", () -> frontLeftModule.getVelocity(), null);

    builder.addDoubleProperty("Front Right Angle", () -> frontRightModule.getAngle().getRadians(), null);
    builder.addDoubleProperty("Front Right Velocity", () -> frontRightModule.getVelocity(), null);

    builder.addDoubleProperty("Back Left Angle", () -> backLeftModule.getAngle().getRadians(), null);
    builder.addDoubleProperty("Back Left Velocity", () -> backLeftModule.getVelocity(), null);

    builder.addDoubleProperty("Back Right Angle", () -> backRightModule.getAngle().getRadians(), null);
    builder.addDoubleProperty("Back Right Velocity", () -> backRightModule.getVelocity(), null);

    builder.addDoubleProperty("Robot Angle", () -> getRotation().getRadians(), null);

YAGSL Swerve Drive

If you are using the YAGSL Swerve Library, you can create a Swerve Drive widget without even modifying your code. Simply head to the SmartDashboard table, and drag the swerve table onto the grid, and you will have created a Swerve widget that shows your current and desired module states.


This displays data from the NetworkAlerts by Team 6328. For examples and implementation, see Mechanical Advantage 2023 Robot Code

For robot code using a WPILib version after 2024, this will be available in all WPILib projects and no additional files need to be added.

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